Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tying the Knot

Two of my good friends got hitched this past weekend. I have a feeling that this is going to be a trend that continues for a while. Jay and Liss are awesome people, and I'm so happy that they have found joy in both eachother, and in the God who brought them together. Their relationship truely reflects God's love for us.

The pastor performing the service said that "What you are is God's gift to eachother, and what you become is you're gift to God." I thought that was pretty powerful. Marriage is both a blessing and a responsibility. I'm sure that Jay and Liss will continue to grow in eachother as well as in the Lord.

This weekend also humbled me in my knowledge of love songs. I realized that I'm not as well versed as I thought.... haha.

Weddings are a wonderful way to celebrate the union between two people and two families while thanking and praising the Lord for the ways that he has been working in all of the lives involved. It means a little more, too, when you are close to those who you are celebrating.

Weddings also leave you with some questions....

"Where will they end up?"
"How did they plan all of this?"
"Who can I dance with at the reception?"
and a frequently pondered question...... "Did she just see me make a complete fool of myself doing the electric slide?" (that's probably a yes)

And the more serious ones....
"Am I going to cry at MY wedding?" (that's probably a yes)
"What's my wedding and reception going to look like?"
"Out of the 38 people I know that would do a good job, who am I going to get to perform the ceremony?"
and most of all......

"When is it my turn....?"

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